
Innovative strength and the will to do things better drive us – and have done so for over 50 years. Because our customers appreciate quality, reliability and open words.

The only constant is change

Zuelch Industrial Coatings brings color into play, because sometimes it’s already colorful when we put ourselves out there for you! Especially with functional coatings whose inner values are not visible at first glance.

For passionate Harzers like us, the environment is not a buzzword, but something very concrete and tangible.
That is why waterborne products already account for more than 60 % of our production. Trend? Rising!

Nature has been on our doorstep for many generations – and sustainable management in our blood. Visit the Harz National Park and our company. This is how you combine the pleasant with the useful.

We will continue to “show our colors” in the future – for the sake of our children.

Harzlich Welcome!

